A Month in Edinburgh

August was a complete whirlwind. Having never been to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival before I didn’t really know what to expect – I’d heard gushing remarks, glowing comments and recommendations but none of that could possibly add up to the actual experience itself. The city is beautiful, but throughout the festival the architecture became a mere backdrop to the vibrant and vivacious ambience that arrives for one month every summer. The Royal Mile was flooded with people and at about 3 pm every day you honestly felt like you were in a mosh pit. It was mad and chaotic but glorious – the highlight of my summer so far.

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In terms of fashion – unfortunately I’ve a lot less material to share with you than I had initially hoped. Having lugged a heavy suitcase on the train from home to the Scottish capital I ended up only really wearing a handful of outfits… because I was literally in costume 24/7 pestering the general public with my flyering skills – lucky them!


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However… having discovered the brand Real Tulip and their striking statement pieces before I left, I managed to sport the new additions to my wardrobe when wandering around the city in my time off.

I received a lot of love and attention for these nature-inspired garms from strangers whilst on the Mile, which is always telling of a great brand. Rachel, the lovely designer, was inspired by the Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi, which embodies the beauty associated with imperfection and uniqueness. The tops take on the form of the girl wearing them, celebrating the beauty of the natural, modern woman.


Shop the spiced pink tulip top here and the dark and dreamy one here.

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More fashion and arty stuff coming soon!


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